With the help of G-d Almighty

Shaharith & Hassidic Farbrengen (Hitvaadut) in the Ancient Shalom al Israel Synagogue in Jericho

The sign at the entrance to the Shalom al Israel Synagogue in Jericho
The sign at the entrance to the Shalom al Israel Synagogue
  • On , we will pray Shaharith with joy in the ancient Shalom al Israel Synagogue, with its unique mosaic full of Jewish symbolism.
  • Afterwards, we will hold a Hassidic Farbrengen (Hitvaadut) and a short Torah-talk with Rav Menachem Felix, one of the founders of the resettlement of Judea and Samaria.


  • From Jerusalem: Chords Bridge (bus stop 4216) at 05:40, and Hativat Harel/Shmuel HaNavi (bus stop 1625) at 05:45.
  • From the Mitzpe Yericho Junction, on Highway 1 going east, across from the main entrance of Mitzpe Yericho (bus stop 60425), at 06:10.
  • From the main entrance of Moshav Naama, in the Jordan Valley at 06:45.
  • Back in Jerusalem at approx. 10:30.

Info & Registration

  • Advance registration required: Send a text message / WhatsApp to Yoni at 052-3527313, stating your name, the number of participants and where you want to board the bus.
  • Cost: 80 NIS per person. Half price for children under 13.
  • Advance payment required: By BIT or PAYBOX to telephone 052-8699300 or by bank transfer: Bank Discount, Branch 159 (Jerusalem Center), account No 3212507, in the name of "Jewish Life in Jericho".

Security in Jericho is assured by the Israel Defence Forces.

Help us re-establish the presence of the Jewish People in the holy city of Jericho!

The key to the Land of Israel!

Friday Prayer & Comprehensive Tour of Jericho

Tel Jericho - No walls remain on the eastern side
Tel Jericho - After Joshua's conquest, no walls remain on the eastern side

G-d willing, as soon as the situation allows, we will again pray at and tour some of Jericho's important historic sites.

  • We will pray Shaharith in the ancient Shalom al Israel Synagogue, with its unique mosaic full of Jewish symbolism,
  • We will then tour Tel Jericho (where the walls were brought down by the trumpets and the shofars of the Children of Israel),
  • The Elisha Spring (where the Prophet Elisha sweetened the waters of Jericho),
  • And the ancient Naaran Synagogue on the north tip of Jericho (with its Hellenistic classic mosaic, which stands in in contrast to that of Shalom al Israel).

Buses from Jerusalem, Moshav Naama (in the Jordan Valley) and Beit Shemesh.

Security in Jericho is assured by the Israel Defence Forces.